Kochani a pamiętacie jak ważną rolę odgrywali rodzice podczas naszego dzieciństwa?
Teraz role się odwróciły... przeczytajcie proszę ten artykuł a zrozumiecie jak bardzo jesteśmy im potrzebni...
“The Connection Between Family and Health As Americans age, it becomes more apparent just how important family truly is. When it comes to maintaining a high-quality life, staying connected to friends and family was a primary concern for about 30% of those surveyed in the United States Aging Survey. Believe it or not, relationships were more important than financial resources for the majority of people surveyed. But the significance of family goes deeper than the senior’s preference. There is a strong correlation between health and the strength of one’s family relationships. The benefits associated with elders who report having stronger ties with their families include the following: Longer life. Elders who are more socially involved with family members are more likely to live longer than those who remain isolated. This is even true for those who are experiencing late stages of dementia. Although you may not be able to tell, a family’s presence is prolonging their life as well as improving the quality of their remaining years.”